Pix 'n' Bits .org

Pixel and Bit Organizer

Two years ago I made an attempt to find a more efficient editor than Notepad++, mostly because I was forced into using a Mac at work. I started with Sublime Text and then tried WebStorm. The latter felt more like Eclipse (might have even still been called PHPStorm?) so I stuck with Sublime (and did stuff with it).

Now my place of employment has me on a (nice) Windows box and has already paid for a site WebStorm license. Seeing a few others use it (integrated console? yes!) motivated me to give it another whirl.

I opened up an existing project, and was delighted to see it not only recognized gulp, but the gulp tasks (winning!). And prompted me about adding a few new files to git (I’m used to git and git gutter, so this seemed a bit obtrusive, but trusted that was just a “first run” sort of dialog). All this out of the box.

However, I soon came upon the need for multiple selections, or more accurately, select multiple instances of the current selection. A quick web search turned up the hotkey (ALT+J), but what I didn’t like was that it’s different on different OSs. I’m fine with Sublime changing CTRL for CMD between Windows/Linux and Mac (more like support it) but different letters? Nope. I’m not tied to one OS (I’ve used Sublime non-trivially on each of the three, at the same time) and need my key mappings to be consistent.

So, for now, WebStorm will be an interesting app on my computer that I might dust off when I’m not pressed for productivity.